Sunday, December 29, 2019

Bullying in Schools Essay - 1743 Words

Bullying in Schools Many people feel that some of the major issues that plague our schools are drug/alcohol use or violence, yet no one recognizes the significance of school bullying. For the victims of bullying, they go to school everyday facing harassment, taunting, and humiliation. For all potential educators, it is very important to realize that bullying is a problem, so that they can work to prevent it in the future. Since being at Middle School, I have realized how prevalent bullying is on a daily basis. In addition to reading various sources, I decided to ask some of my students about the bullying they experience or witness in their own school environment. I felt learning about bullying directly from the students†¦show more content†¦Most bullies are male, popular, and often athletes (Espelage 2001). They have excellent social skills, with the ability to attract many followers, and easily manipulate others (Bullies... 2001). Bullies are psychologically strong and very popular among their peers. This peer status is important in terms of boosting their well-being. Its disturbing to think that bullies are feeling really good about themselves. Bullying behavior is self-reinforcing: When kids find that putting others down earns them approval from their peers, they are likely to do it again and again. Many times they can easily butter up to adults, making them unsuspecting bullies (Espelage 2001). In general, a bully is someone who teases and intimidates other students, although there are many other ways to bully a fellow student. Many people feel the typical bully comes from a broken home, but this is not necessarily true. Yet, the less supervision a child gets at home, the more likely he is to be a bully. About 30 to 40% of bullies show some levels of depression, and their bullying is often a cry for help. (Espelage 2001). I asked the student what they thought caused students to bully one another and I was very impressed with their responses. One student felt bullies e xist because they ?...can?t get their way at home.? Many of the other students felt very similarly. One student even thought that maybe bullies were bullied as littleShow MoreRelatedSchool Bullying : Bullying And Bullying2186 Words   |  9 Pages School Bullying Susan Polk Chamberlain School of Nursingâ€Æ' School Bullying Tyler Clementi 18, a freshman in college. Phoebe Prince 15, a high school sophomore. Jamey Rodemeyer 14, a freshman in high school. Megan Meier 13, an eighth grade middle school student. Mitchell Wilson 11, a sixth grade middle school student. Ashlynn Conner 10, a fifth grade elementary school. They are all victims of bullying and today they are all dead from suicide because of being bullied. 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A smallRead MoreBullying in Schools822 Words   |  4 PagesSchool bullying is a distinct form of aggressive behaviour, usually involving a power imbalance. It can be physically, verbally and, more recently, electronically threatening, and can cause emotional, physical and psychological harm. Bullying in schools historically has been seen as a fundamental part of childhood. (Campbell, 2005 p68) It was seen as a social, educational and racial issue that needed little research and attention, until in the 1970’s and 80’s researchers began pioneering studiesRead MoreBullying in Schools1208 Words   |  5 PagesBanks, R. (2000, April). Bullying in Schools. Retrieved May 19, 2014, from Bullying is considered to be a global problem that can have negative consequences. As a result, researchers continue to formulate solutions in which students can feel safe. Bullying can also result in lifelong consequences for both the students who are being bullied, and the students are bullying them. According to the ERIC development team, bullying is comprised of direct behaviorsRead MoreSchool Bullying2394 Words   |  10 PagesSchool Bullying  Essays Bullying is not a new behavior.   Kids have been exposed to bullying in school for generations.   Now, however, bullying has taken on new heights and sometimes victims of bullies suffer severe and lasting consequences. The topic has gained not only national attention but international attention since it is a phenomenon that exists in many countries.   School bullying essays look into this very serious matter and how it is being addressed. Like essays on classroom management, essays

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Interview Essay - 1237 Words

Obstacle vs. Opportunity During the course of her interview on The Wendy Williams Show, with Wendy Williams, Lolo Jones explains how she uses her past failures as motivation to achieve her dreams. Through everything she has been through, Lolo never quit. She never took the easy way out and always kept her eye on her dream. Her story is â€Å"not complete.† (qtd. in Rashaad Jorden) and in this interview it is clear that she is continuing to focus on the opportunities in front of her. Lolo Jones is not just an inspiration to track athletes; she is a role model to different types of athlete and non-athletes. Many people with various backgrounds, can relate to her and use her as an example in their own lives. As a professional athlete,†¦show more content†¦As Lolo says, â€Å"A hurdle can either be an obstacle or an opportunity.† (Jones). Lolo chose to make her life hurdles opportunities. Again, anybody can relate to this personally, whether you’re an adult struggling with h is or her job or a child struggling in athletics or education, this sentence can motivate anyone. Lolo Jones continues on motivating herself and others taking on additional challenges. After the London Olympics, Lolo was approached to train for a spot on the USA Bobsled team in the 2014 Winter Olympics. A completely different sport and training regimen, requiring her to increase her weight and muscle, but her drive and motivation to succeed helped her to achieve this as well. Lolo is now back to training hurdles again, with a goal of making it to the 2016 Summer Olympic games in Rio. She will be a long shot again, competing against women significantly younger, but she will not let her dream die. Lolo Jones gives back to the community in many ways. As she was growing up in Iowa, she struggled to get basic things like track shoes. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Essay Sample On Car Wash Business

Executive summary As long as, there are vehicles on the road, there will be prospects for various businesses for car washing. Depending on features, many prospective businesses can be started. The report will discuss about the car wash businesses. The business highly depends on location and weather; this business can prove to be very lucrative business for new entrepreneur. There are some potential factors which must be considered while deciding to launch car wash business (Grier, 2005). Although, a car wash business can be beneficial business and as per many studies, an individual can earn as much as $900,000 but this business requires a thorough study and a lot of hard work before starting and of course some major amount of investment (Jacobsen, 2012). This large amount of investment is also dependent on various types and size of car wash type which the entrepreneur may decides in order to build the required infrastructure for it (Grier, 2005). Building a business is this field; at least require six months to finish, so its a crucial decision since this business need a lot of money for the administrative and other expenses which may be needed for the administrative and other type of business expenses (Grier, 2005). During this time, it is also important to understand that the business will not making much revenue. Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers Contents Executive summary Introduction Body Car wash industry business Objective of the Perfect car wash business Mission of Perfect car wash business Target market SWOT analysis Porters five forces Strategy formulation and implementation Differentiation strategy Financial strategy Organisation structure for Perfect Car Wash Conclusion References Introduction The report will discuss in detail about the business named Perfect Car Wash and their problems in starting the business and will also discuss in detail about the purpose or the main objective of the business (Grier, 2005). The report will discuss in detail about environmental analysis of the Perfect car wash on the basis of SWAT analysis and Porters five forces models. Moreover, it will also discuss the financial aspect of the business and how the capital will be allocated. The report will also discuss in detail about the organisational chart and how much employees will be required to establish the business. Body Car wash industry business Perfect car wash will start with two car services mainly related to exterior car wash, interior cleaning and also basic detail related to it. The business is making its USP by providing high quality services at high quality that too at reasonable price (Jacobsen, 2012). The actual ability of the business will be based on high quality service which covers two main and crucial aspects which are actual car washing and customer service which is also based on the capability to find best and dedicated team of employees (Grier, 2005). The main issue in hiring best employee that it will reduce HR costs which is associated with the turnover and also other employee costs. Objective of the Perfect car wash business The main objectives for Perfect car wash are discussed in detail as follows: - The first and foremost objective of the business is to build a solid and best team of employees. The first two month will be spent on getting the right employees and training them in order to strengthening the team. Happy employees are very important for the business especially in service company (Jacobsen, 2012). Customer satisfaction is another objective which is very crucial because only then employees will come and put money in Perfect Car Wash. Once the business will start, initial few months will spent in building the trust among the customers and make loyal towards the organisation (Noh et al, 2012). Another objective apart from this is to maintain a modest and steady business in order to earn high net profit margin. Expansion is also one of the significant business processes once this particular branch completes third year of operation (Jacobsen, 2012). Mission of Perfect car wash business The main mission of the organisation is to provide the highest quality services and detailed service for the luxury and high end cars in the Sydney (Jacobsen, 2012). The organisation will work on making an ideal work culture for employees in order to maintain high customer service. Target market The environment for car business is very affluent; people these days maintain an expensive car and they constantly want it to look nice (Noh et al, 2012). The main target market of Perfect car wash is mentioned below: - Individual car owners The main leasers or dealership related to car and the many local businesses (Grier, 2005). The Perfect car wash business has recognised different car dealerships, near the business which will constantly require car washing service (Grier, 2005). In the end, there are many local companies in the locality which constantly require clean and neat appearances. SWOT analysis Following is the SWOT analysis of the car wash business: - Strengths Hand wash car is much safer than the machine wash. This business does not require any prior training because of the simple nature of work (Jacobsen, 2012). The Perfect car wash business is also perfect people who require flexible time in working hour. The equipment which is required for the business can be easily required (Jacobsen, 2012). The structure for the business is very flexible and it does not require physical base (Jacobsen, 2012). Weakness This business does not have any established and loyal customer base. It is difficult to maintain and support staff retention and the workforce is too casual by nature (Jacobsen, 2012). Car wash by nature is not a specialised service and many people like to do it themselves (Noh et al, 2012). Opportunities The company has a huge target market which can be acquired by great customer service (Noh et al, 2012). This business can also be expanded easily and can be franchised. These businesses also have the potential to expand in diverse directions as well like wash boats, trucks or plant equipment and many more (Jacobsen, 2012). Threats There are plenty of car businesses in the market which are mobile in nature and provide customised service (Jacobsen, 2012). This business is also majorly related to environment issue which scarcity of water and this business involves lots of water wastage (Noh et al, 2012). Australia car wash association has also worked on specifying a standard where the car wash organisations can initiate activities where they can recycle water. Since there is scarcity of water, the future of the business is at tenterhook and potential of the business will have to change as per that (Noh et al, 2012). It is a general nature of many people that they dont believe in paying for luxury service. This is why attracting more and more customers can be a big challenge (Jacobsen, 2012). The business model can be easily replicated or replaced by the competitors. Porters five forces Following is the discussion Porters five forces which affect the car wash business: - Threat of new entrants: - Sydney has many car wash organisations like Sparkling Car Care or Wax Car wash or Eco spray Car wash who are doing very well. The car wash business always faces the challenge or threat of new entrants. Since the nature of the business is very simple in nature, there is always a threat of new entrants (Noh et al, 2012). Threat of substitute product and services: - people will buy car and they want to get it washed again and again. This service can also be substitute with new equipment which can help in washing the car fast and easier manner (Noh et al, 2012). Bargaining power of customers: - the customers do hold a bargaining power where they have the power to dominate the prices. The nature of the work is simple and also it can be easily replaced so it is important to give ultimate importance to the customer who will only come back when they will get good service in addition to reasonable price (Noh et al, 2012). Bargaining power of suppliers: - the bargaining power of suppliers is also termed as the market of inputs. Supplier of all nature whether raw material, labour, and services for this business can be prove to be a major source for accomplishing the objective (Godlevskaja et al, 2011). Since in this business, there are large number of supplier in terms of raw material, service and labour, the power is in the handoff business (Godlevskaja et al, 2011). Intensity of competitive rivalry: - the Perfect car wash faces a lot of competition from various competitors. In order to fight this competition, they will have to come up with new and advanced services in order to gain edge over competitors (Godlevskaja et al, 2011). Strategy formulation and implementation The basic strength of Perfect car wash is majorly dependent on the experience of the owner and it is the significant asset for the company. The owner has been involved in car repair business from many years (Godlevskaja et al, 2011). The company is involved in positioning themselves as a premium car wash service. The forecasted market share in the starting is 20% of share. The business will help in generating a very high gross margin and will focus on increasing this margin over the years. The company plan to grow the business and in next three year planned to develop a respectable net profit (Godlevskaja et al, 2011). Differentiation strategy The differentiation strategy will on the basis to achieve premium customers in the locality and make them loyal by providing those, best and high quality service which will make them to visit the shop again and again (Ferrario Guarino, 2012). Financial strategy The owner has personal capital of $50,000 and since this business will require more investment of money $2, 00,000 will be taken as a loan from the HSBC bank in Sydney. Conclusion The report has discussed in detail all the aspects of establishing a car wash business with the name of Perfect Car wash (Ferrario Guarino, 2012).. The organisation aims to establish a business which provides high quality service to the customer for luxury car department (Ferrario Guarino, 2012).. The report has discussed in detail about the services, its objective and its mission for the business. The report has discussed in detail about SWOT analysis for the organisation and Porters five forces model. The report also discusses the strategy implementation and a strategy on the basis of which the organisation will differentiate from the competitors. References Grier, R. 2005.U.S. Patent Application 11/100,274. Jacobsen, T. L. 2012. Car Wash Blues: A Mick Murphy Key West Mystery. Noh, S. M., Lee, J. W., Nam, J. H., Park, J. M., Jung, H. W. 2012. Analysis of scratch characteristics of automotive clearcoats containing silane modified blocked isocyanates via carwash and nano-scratch tests.Progress in Organic Coatings,74(1), 192-203. Godlevskaja, O., Iwaarden, J. V., Wiele, T. V. D. 2011. Moving from product-based to service-based business strategies: Services categorisation schemes for the automotive industry.International Journal of Quality Reliability Management,28(1), 62-94. Ferrario, R., Guarino, N. 2012. Commitment-based modeling of service systems. InExploring Services Science(pp. 170-185). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.