Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Masters level program in leadership for non-profit organizations in Essay

Masters level program in leadership for non-profit organizations in Juniata College - Essay Example Leadership is a key issue and this creates a good prospect for the new course on leadership for non profit organizations to be launched by the university. In the present case the university would segment the target population on the basis of organization type and the hierarchical position of an individual within the organization. A demographic market segmentation strategy would be used to segment the entire market. Traits like job experience and position within an organization would be the chosen yardsticks for segmenting the total market population. Juniata University would target non profit organizations and specifically those individuals who are in a managerial position in the organization. Leadership training for individuals in decision making capacity in these organizations can help them to be better acquainted with business aspects that can help them propel their organizations to the next orbit. It would also help in infusing greater professionalism in the company that would he lp them generate greater operational abilities. Leadership traits can also generate a good vision and long term planning that would help in generating competitive advantage. The choice of the segment also assumes importance as the managerial level individuals would also have a good monetary compensation that would allow them to afford the training cost. Moreover the training for managerial level individuals would also add greater value proposition in their careers that can help them in developing a good career path in the sector by improving their learning curve helping them achieve milestones in their professional careers. The University would also target proprietors of family owned non profit business houses so as to provide them the professional edge in running an organization. Targeting involves creating strategies that can help in capturing the members of the market segment. Targeting involves crafting strategies that form the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Discuss the reasons for the recent weakness of the US Dollar Essay

Discuss the reasons for the recent weakness of the US Dollar - Essay Example It still rules as the de facto world currency. Foreign Exchange market is liquid where investors and players participate freely... Its daily turnover in 2004 as per the Bank of International settlements was reported to be$1.9 trillion. London was the biggest foreign exchange market followed by New York â€Å"Somewhere between 40 to 60 percent of international financial transactions are dominated in dollars. For decades the dollar has also been the world’s principal reserve currency. In 1996, the dollar accounted for approximately two thirds of the world’s foreign exchange reserves† (255) writes Robert Gilpin in his ‘Global Political Economy: Understanding Economic Order (2001) The exchange rate of dollar against many currencies in the world has fallen down leading to depreciation of dollar value exchange rate of euro, yen and Indian rupee from January 2007 to June 2007 shown below.. Dollar depreciated by 9% against Indian rupee, and by 1.2% Rate against euro The dollar-pound exchange rate that was settled at 0.6 to 0.64 in 1999 is set at 1.999 in July 2007 i.e. dollar has depreciated by 217% against sterling pound in the same period from 1999 t0 2007 July. Apart from the introduction of Euro in 1999 that squeezed the strength of dollar the Iraqi war turned to be dampener for US dollar. The heavy burden on US economy for fighting the war had an adverse impact on the domestic prices and psychology of other nations. The value of dollar is very much indirectly proportional to gold price in the international market. The following table shows gold price has raised by 135% over 1999 prices. This is one of the principal reasons for dollar price depreciation. The dollar deprecated by 25% against euro from the level of one in 1999 to 0.744 in July 2007. The acute adverse balance of trade and burgeoning debt of America added fuel to the fire. The America’s balance of payment is highly critical. There is a persistent