Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Theory Of Domestic Violence Essay - 1070 Words

Our existence can be illustrated by envisioning a painter who is fabricating a painting. As the painter begins to use the soft brush, its thistles with each movement construct systems and subsystems that are elaborately woven together to display biased perception of ourselves. Consequently, a misguided stroke may alter an exceptional piece of art turning it into a catastrophe. Regrettably, this metaphor unveils the misfortune that can occur in the lives of numerous individuals. Comparatively, like the painter who can be consumed by adversity, a victim of domestic violence with one misstep can eradicate his/her own life. Domestic Violence is a human tragedy, and has been a part of life for many individuals. It is not subjective to a particular group, race, or culture. Historically, the feminist movement preserved the theory that domestic violence is a growing matter because of the continuous power differential between the male gender and the female gender. Remarkably, this approach on domestic disputes unveiled the inner workings of barriers men, women, and children would face when in a domestic violence situation. The feminist theory emphasizes on studying â€Å"the gendered nature of all relationships†¦which aims at understanding how gender is related to social inequalities and oppression† (Marsigila Kulis, 2015, p. 148). Disastrously, an ignorant notion that once dominated our culture was the belief that emotional agony was less painful than physical brutality. However,Show MoreRelatedSocial Conflict Theory : The Sociological Theories Of Domestic Violence1753 Words   |  8 Pagespeople have or are experiencing is domestic violence. Sociologist use various social theories to help explain the reasons behind domestic violence. 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